Monday, December 27, 2010

Ikusa Suvia Otome Vol 4

LTE test at O2

Just before Christmas, on 12/23/2010 I was still achieved a very encouraging email from O2. O2 I've never had something that my iPhone contract expires at the pink magenta uh shop.

I think the mid / late November 2010, a friend made me aware that O2 an LTE test moves in some areas and I am happy with my home address as a ZIP possess, which is an O2 test area. Short the two-page PDF filled out and faxed back and then I first heard a few weeks. I had checked off that because O2 said the trial would start going Dez.2010.
But now I'm probably one of the chosen ones ;-) by O2 to be considered for the LTE test. According to O2, it is now going on the end of Jan.2011, ie, the testers arrive at this date at O2 and then to all test candidates like me will be mailed.
That is when I have hardware from O2, I'll post them here immediately and of course my experiences which I will make with the next-generation mobile communications.

I am ever curious how it runs or how fast it runs ;-) or how the technology is ...


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