Saturday, December 11, 2010

How Long Does Dramamine Take To Work

Cool, the c't magazine iPad app is because

Yesterday (12/10/2010) of H magazine c't magazine publishing his app in the App Store has made, I have installed the same course this morning. The app is available in the App Store easily in the Top Charts of the free-app now second place

The app is the last 12 issues of c't online. [Correction] The app is not only for c't subscribers sense, that there is indeed for all a free copy of the "reputation". All others can purchase as mentioned in the commentary for 2.99 € a copy. Of course, I recommend everyone to Subscribe. The c't is in fact the "standard" and is nunmal on the desk! Subscribers can store your customer-nr and the corresponding code in the app, and thus the full access to all expenditure unlock (as we said at present the last 12). The personal information to (customer-nr + Zip) can be found at any of c't just look on the label. Very good solution ;-) heise [Correction]

There is a small search function for articles (very nice), and otherwise if the iPad is held in portrait nice page shown in landscape mode then two pages. You can quickly access the table of contents and jump as from item to item. Of course, the various editions [Correction] PDF format [Correction] , however, one can then process them (not downloaded to the PC, print, etc.). This is understandable, of course, finally The publisher deserves to be money and he should too. For quick access to articles or the last c't is sufficient.

[Correction] You can easily (thanks again to the comment) and with the Load button (top right) to download the complete issue, to then read as in the subway . Otherwise, every page on-the-fly is recharged. [Correction]

Whether this change my reading habits of c't I do not know. Meanwhile, I would say I'm c't subscriber for over 15 years, I can but imagine Sunday mornings in bed with coffee now read with my iPad my beloved c't.

of gives me so full 5 stars for the app, a good start. Thanks H!


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