Sunday, December 26, 2010

How To Find A Store With A Id Number

Cairo-Dock - a task bar with style

GNOM E is generally regarded as a very clear desktop. With the GNOME menu can be found under "Applications, Places and System" all programs, system files and applications easily and quickly. However, anyone who wants to polish up his desktop graphic and find something cool effects and a start bar in style like, for a dock is just right. We would like to introduce ock in this article, the Cairo-D .

The Cairo-Dock is a task bar, which can be extended with additional plugins. Besides the nice look, there are many very useful plugins, also called applets that enhance the desktop is not only visually, but also make it more functional.


The Cairo-Dock can be installed from the Ubuntu package manager or from the Software Center. In the latter, researchers are looking for the "cairo-dock" and installs the application

GLX-dock (cairo-dock with OpenGL). In the synaptic package manager selects the package "cairo-dock" as well as the associated extensions. After installation, the Cairo-Dock can be under "Applications-> Accessories-> Cairo-Dock . Start Around the dock to start automatically when you log in, you add in "System-> Preferences-> Startup Programs" the startup with the command cairo-dock "to the current session or secured with a running Cairo-Dock.

The settings:

Under "Settings" (right click) to configure the behavior and appearance, the extensions (plugins / applets) and the topics. The latter can also be configured to "manage topics", but more on that later.

The behavior of the docks can adapt to their own needs. It is possible to place the dock as the left or right corner of the desktop, if you do not like

would have by default at the bottom of the screen. Furthermore, the visibility of the dock is configured. Since the dock is not required continuously, there is the Funtkion the automatic suppression of the dock. If you move the mouse away from the dock, it will be hidden, move the mouse over the dock, it will reappear.

In the "appearance" can be the symbols and the view of the dock
individually. So is the size of icons such as the screen or customizable the view of the dock can be set from a 3D space to a carousel. The applets can be configured in the tab of the extensions. Then we will detail this later.


Cairo-Dock does the same with a dozen themes, which can be selected via the configuration menu. Right-click on the Cairo-Dock can "manage topics" under "Settings-> Themes" or customize the look of the dock with the existing topics and evaluate them as well. Up on the theme "default" are all topics which are available on the Internet. Man therefore requires an Internet connection to these topics to install locally. Selecting a topic is displayed on the right side of the Menufensters a preview. Clicking on "Apply" the issue will be downloaded and installed locally.


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