Thursday, December 30, 2010

How To Fix Crowding Teeth

reset iphone4 arrived

Well, after feeling for me the whole world now has iphone4, I'm also one brought me this morning from the Apple Store Munich. The price for my iPhone 4 with 16 GB of course, is identical to the online price, ie € 629. Previously, I had

brought me in a micro-Telecom Sim card, so I my existing tariff / contract I have already used for my old 3G, can also be used for iphone4's. gave the new Micro-Sim Card's very simple with the T-Shop, that is gone with my old 3G, called my phone number to the T-shop staff. Then he sent me a text message with a code. I had this code call him. This is sort of my personal order of telecom employees get access to my data contract. Then there was an envelope with the new Micro-Sim card and the info that my old 3G loses about an hour his "connection", and thus the new micro-SIM card is active.

On the subsequent drive to the Apple store my 3G already then said that the mobile data network could not activate. A few minutes later the phone connection was gone.

arrived home, I have my old 3G iTunes pulled clamped to a recent backup and then append the new iPhone 4th After confirming the terms of Apple's I wanted to restore from the new iphone4 only just started back, but unfortunately was not, as my 3G running on the latest firmware, 4.2.1, newly purchased iphone4 still gave it to 4.1

then the following notice:

Very well, then canceled the operation, the iphone4 configured as a new device and the first firmware 2.4 GE downloaded. After 10 minutes, the download by, and the iPhone 4 in order to firmware version 4.2.1

Now even the automatic sync to iTunes has started up automatically canceled and "Restore from Backup" by right-clicking in iTunes on the iphone4 and my new iPhone from the backup of the old restored. Info to self: maybe you should give the new iPhone is not the same name as the old, which makes it easier to locate the backup ...

again 10-15 minutes later my new iphone4 ready for use. Briefly entered the wireless password (apparently that is not stored in the backup, ie you must enter now probably was re-notified for each wireless where you schonmal his old iPhone with the Wi-Fi password), and I also had my three email accounts for the email password again. switched off now still under Settings / Phone and SIM PIN to retrieve the Sim-Pim and that's it, mine is iphone4 ready and the media / app-content technically on the status of my old 3G

Here nor a comparison of the left, the new iphone4, right next to my 16 month old 3G. In principle, to the day since I've got the 3G on 30/08/2009 ;-)

is my old 3G by Telekom As will that be simlock, only with a telecom-Sim card run, that I have to unlock the previously well have to sell it reasonably can.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Ikusa Suvia Otome Vol 4

LTE test at O2

Just before Christmas, on 12/23/2010 I was still achieved a very encouraging email from O2. O2 I've never had something that my iPhone contract expires at the pink magenta uh shop.

I think the mid / late November 2010, a friend made me aware that O2 an LTE test moves in some areas and I am happy with my home address as a ZIP possess, which is an O2 test area. Short the two-page PDF filled out and faxed back and then I first heard a few weeks. I had checked off that because O2 said the trial would start going Dez.2010.
But now I'm probably one of the chosen ones ;-) by O2 to be considered for the LTE test. According to O2, it is now going on the end of Jan.2011, ie, the testers arrive at this date at O2 and then to all test candidates like me will be mailed.
That is when I have hardware from O2, I'll post them here immediately and of course my experiences which I will make with the next-generation mobile communications.

I am ever curious how it runs or how fast it runs ;-) or how the technology is ...

Drugstore Concealers Oil Free

first iphone4 Face Time Experience

lack sufficient iphone4 hardware so far I could not even try FaceTime. But since Christmas, the one or the other was given away iphone4, I could try out for the first time today FaceTime.

Face Time is fantastic! the connection via wireless is very good, ie you click on his contact in the Address Book in iphone4 on "Face Time" and choose if several numbers are stored in this contact (eg home, office, iphone4) is simply the corresponding iphone4 a number and a moment later you'll hear a dial tone.
The image of the counterpart is also very good, the pan (on the iphone4 camera on the back) is a button and this button again takes the pivot back.

What can I say, face time is a killer feature of the small iphone4 and I remember the early days of ISDN Telekom and the videophone, which has never distributed properly. By iphone4 thus comes the picture phone back and replace short time Skype and Co.
well done Apple!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

How To Find A Store With A Id Number

Cairo-Dock - a task bar with style

GNOM E is generally regarded as a very clear desktop. With the GNOME menu can be found under "Applications, Places and System" all programs, system files and applications easily and quickly. However, anyone who wants to polish up his desktop graphic and find something cool effects and a start bar in style like, for a dock is just right. We would like to introduce ock in this article, the Cairo-D .

The Cairo-Dock is a task bar, which can be extended with additional plugins. Besides the nice look, there are many very useful plugins, also called applets that enhance the desktop is not only visually, but also make it more functional.


The Cairo-Dock can be installed from the Ubuntu package manager or from the Software Center. In the latter, researchers are looking for the "cairo-dock" and installs the application

GLX-dock (cairo-dock with OpenGL). In the synaptic package manager selects the package "cairo-dock" as well as the associated extensions. After installation, the Cairo-Dock can be under "Applications-> Accessories-> Cairo-Dock . Start Around the dock to start automatically when you log in, you add in "System-> Preferences-> Startup Programs" the startup with the command cairo-dock "to the current session or secured with a running Cairo-Dock.

The settings:

Under "Settings" (right click) to configure the behavior and appearance, the extensions (plugins / applets) and the topics. The latter can also be configured to "manage topics", but more on that later.

The behavior of the docks can adapt to their own needs. It is possible to place the dock as the left or right corner of the desktop, if you do not like

would have by default at the bottom of the screen. Furthermore, the visibility of the dock is configured. Since the dock is not required continuously, there is the Funtkion the automatic suppression of the dock. If you move the mouse away from the dock, it will be hidden, move the mouse over the dock, it will reappear.

In the "appearance" can be the symbols and the view of the dock
individually. So is the size of icons such as the screen or customizable the view of the dock can be set from a 3D space to a carousel. The applets can be configured in the tab of the extensions. Then we will detail this later.


Cairo-Dock does the same with a dozen themes, which can be selected via the configuration menu. Right-click on the Cairo-Dock can "manage topics" under "Settings-> Themes" or customize the look of the dock with the existing topics and evaluate them as well. Up on the theme "default" are all topics which are available on the Internet. Man therefore requires an Internet connection to these topics to install locally. Selecting a topic is displayed on the right side of the Menufensters a preview. Clicking on "Apply" the issue will be downloaded and installed locally.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

How Long Does Dramamine Take To Work

Cool, the c't magazine iPad app is because

Yesterday (12/10/2010) of H magazine c't magazine publishing his app in the App Store has made, I have installed the same course this morning. The app is available in the App Store easily in the Top Charts of the free-app now second place

The app is the last 12 issues of c't online. [Correction] The app is not only for c't subscribers sense, that there is indeed for all a free copy of the "reputation". All others can purchase as mentioned in the commentary for 2.99 € a copy. Of course, I recommend everyone to Subscribe. The c't is in fact the "standard" and is nunmal on the desk! Subscribers can store your customer-nr and the corresponding code in the app, and thus the full access to all expenditure unlock (as we said at present the last 12). The personal information to (customer-nr + Zip) can be found at any of c't just look on the label. Very good solution ;-) heise [Correction]

There is a small search function for articles (very nice), and otherwise if the iPad is held in portrait nice page shown in landscape mode then two pages. You can quickly access the table of contents and jump as from item to item. Of course, the various editions [Correction] PDF format [Correction] , however, one can then process them (not downloaded to the PC, print, etc.). This is understandable, of course, finally The publisher deserves to be money and he should too. For quick access to articles or the last c't is sufficient.

[Correction] You can easily (thanks again to the comment) and with the Load button (top right) to download the complete issue, to then read as in the subway . Otherwise, every page on-the-fly is recharged. [Correction]

Whether this change my reading habits of c't I do not know. Meanwhile, I would say I'm c't subscriber for over 15 years, I can but imagine Sunday mornings in bed with coffee now read with my iPad my beloved c't.

of gives me so full 5 stars for the app, a good start. Thanks H!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Peach Jam Wedding Favour

The iPad because (again)

has now reached me, my second iPad, and before anyone thinks, obviously, the trend is yes to the "second-iPad" - no, the iPad is not for me but for my mom. My Christmas gift, so to speak.

Apple has adjusted the package something to the new IOS. For comparison, an image of both packages. Links with the new packaging (buy the end of November 2010), the old right (buy July 2010). Brand-new course, the Game Center icon.

A special feature of the iPad, in fact I've ordered online, and was able to choose an engraving (I think that is far from being offered for the iPad). Of this I have only scanned a hard copy of the order store, which has since photographed with not quite work out, but the saying it is now 1-1 on the iPad my Mam.

Well, let's see how my mom can cope, or not come, I guess at first glance you would not know it to start with so, I found a part of the Christmas holidays with her spend iPad before to enable it to advantages closer to them. A nice thing about my Mam talk time on a subject that interested me ;-)