Thursday, March 20, 2008

Super Bowl Party Invitation Wordings

Course announcement


As the official training partner of "LANDESSTIFTUNG Baden-Württemberg", we offer the program

" click - help us"

the following courses:

Information and Find

knowledge from the Internet

section of the course content:

· basic introduction to Internet

· Security and Justice Internet

· basics of search / advanced search functions

· store information and print

· forums, newspapers , participate Reference

· The Internet and learning to use

· Age and as needed to learn online

This course is open to anyone, not bound to a certain age. You should have basic knowledge in using the Internet (browser), word processing, e-mail and Windows (folder and file management).

The course takes 3 sessions of 3 hours each (break in between) and will take place

Friday 25 April, 9 May, and 30 May 2008 to 15 in the clock

computer room of the Elementary and Middle Schools Geradstetten

The fee is 10 €, they contain are the course materials (brochure about 100 pages) and a participant certificate at the end of the course will confirm your participation.

Your Tutor Team: H. Heigis, H. Hering, H. Kull, H. Schneider

Since we expect a strong demand for this course, we urge you to kindly log on to

H. Rossi Tel: 74 221 email: @ Gerd.Rossow

The squares in the order of application date will be awarded.

When we no feedback received, your participation is confirmed. We look forward to your participation.


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