Ubuntu is a free Linux distribution that Windows Vista or XP in no way inferior. Linux has always have a reputation for being complicated and a poor operating system drivers to be. This reputation has Linux wrong. Linux is neither complicated nor driver arm. From the driver diversity Vista users even dream of. I have Ubuntu installed on my computer and all devices recognized the system immediately. Those who have a slow machine, or just fed up with Windows and has its quirks, Ubuntu Linux should try. Ubuntu Linux would be special for Windo wsumsteiger very simple and there is the Ubuntu community to show much support as I have in this blog. But now times slowly and from the ground up.
Who and what is Ubuntu?
Well, what really is Ubuntu? Ubuntu is an African term meaning "humanity to others". The Ubuntu principles are simple: free software for all and spread in all continents.
Well, sure yourselves of Ubuntu Linux. Right you will find links to movies and Ubuntu, where you can download the operating system. More posts in which I'll explain how I came to Ubuntu and how my installation is running, and follow the continued development of Ubuntu on my machine.
Ubuntu - Linux for Human
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