Thursday, March 27, 2008

Dongle Guitar Hero Ps3

Excel course for beginners

are Dates: Wednesday April 2, Wednesday 9 April, Wednesday 16th April and Wednesday 23rd April 2008 Starting dates: each 18 clock. Course Duration 2 hours. The course is in the computer room of the basic and secondary school in Geradstetten instead. fee for the course is 5 €. interested please log on to Max servant by calling 07 151 / 71 848 or the following e-mail address:


Your instructor team

Friday, March 21, 2008

Koleston Colour Chart Red

For our beginners

under this title we have "links" section, they lead to the respective classes on the web. So you can multiply whatever your knowledge of our courses and practice when you feel like. Have fun.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Super Bowl Party Invitation Wordings

Course announcement


As the official training partner of "LANDESSTIFTUNG Baden-Württemberg", we offer the program

" click - help us"

the following courses:

Information and Find

knowledge from the Internet

section of the course content:

· basic introduction to Internet

· Security and Justice Internet

· basics of search / advanced search functions

· store information and print

· forums, newspapers , participate Reference

· The Internet and learning to use

· Age and as needed to learn online

This course is open to anyone, not bound to a certain age. You should have basic knowledge in using the Internet (browser), word processing, e-mail and Windows (folder and file management).

The course takes 3 sessions of 3 hours each (break in between) and will take place

Friday 25 April, 9 May, and 30 May 2008 to 15 in the clock

computer room of the Elementary and Middle Schools Geradstetten

The fee is 10 €, they contain are the course materials (brochure about 100 pages) and a participant certificate at the end of the course will confirm your participation.

Your Tutor Team: H. Heigis, H. Hering, H. Kull, H. Schneider

Since we expect a strong demand for this course, we urge you to kindly log on to

H. Rossi Tel: 74 221 email: @ Gerd.Rossow

The squares in the order of application date will be awarded.

When we no feedback received, your participation is confirmed. We look forward to your participation.

Phone Modem Time Warner

the blog is open

back from our meeting in Bad Urach, we were quite hot to set up a blog for our group. This is now. Whether it will be adopted and maintained depends of course on us. The idea behind it: we have the opportunity to represent us to receive feedback via polls to what we do to stop the planned course program, to announce dates, etc. It may succeed us, our to inspire students for the blog, so that the trained in the courses here can be realized for example.
Well then, you participate.
Greetings Horst Hering and Gerd Rossow

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

No Cd Age Of Empires 1

What needs to be installed in addition? Installing Ubuntu Linux

generally brings many Ubuntu software packages with the base installation. Included in the default installation include the following programs:

  • Open Office - a program like Mircosoft Office which is a text program like Word, a spreadsheet program like Excel, a presentation program such as Power Point and a database program like Access includes
  • Evolution - an email client with calendar function, we can know it from MS Outlook
  • Firefox - the most popular Web browser
  • includes Pidgin, a messenger of the many protocols such as ICQ and MSN
  • Gimp - an image editing program that compared with is
  • Totem Video Player - Windows Media Player comparable
  • and many more
To Ubuntu, however, to make a full-fledged Windows replacement must to install some additional programs, all of which are available through the package manager or under Applications-> Add / Remove. IMPORTANT: In order to make additional installations, must have an Internet connection since the latest software packages are loaded directly from the network and installed. Unless you own a DVD with the latest version! need to make

music and video

order to Ubuntu full-fledged media operating system included a few codecs are installed because they (like the MP3 codec) are not included in the base installation. This installs your next:

GStreamer ffmeg video plugin - you allows you to listen to MP3s, WMV, MPEG files, and many more

Audacious - a player with Winamp compare

Amarok - a genia ller Player of iTunes by Apple is similar. Here did you include a media collection, which the computer automatically after all the songs and shows Scannet to play. In addition, you can use the function of the podcast reception is available and when the Internet connection charge for each title / artist in "context" information for artists of Wikipedia. Have you also installed K3B, you can get your library burn directly.

K3B - a burning program like Nero

Internet & Email

good use around the internet, you should install the following programs:

Skype - VoIP software, which can be used as a Messenger . Video telephony is also possible. Skype is not included in the package sources, but can be downloaded here. After the download you can install Skype on the package manager.

Thunderbird - in my opinion better than evolution. Thunderbird is also an email client which is available in the repositories. Thunderbird delivers on website many useful add-ons.

Macromedia Flash plugin - in order to optimize the presentation of web pages and allow for pages with Flash plug the presentation.

Desktop & graphics

To configure Ubuntu's graphical special surface optimally, you should install the following programs

Advanced Desktop Effect Settings - this program makes Ubuntu graphical view of the vollwärtigen Vista replacement. See various Ubuntu video's on YouTube.

Art Manager - with this useful program you can easily Hinder reasons layouts folder and download the tune many other images of Ubuntu and install

splash screen - so you can the loading screen between the application and the dektop (is up to the system) to optimize graphic.

Screenlets - Screenlets are like the familiar Windows widgets. To give you a clock, the weather, a calendar and many other nice Screenlets onto the desktop or download this intigrieren in the desktop.

I think I'm far from being listed all the additional useful software here. The above, however, you should install any case, because I think these are a must.

more tips on additional software can be found at Wikis install at

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Dentist That Take Medicaid Indianapolis

Installing Ubuntu
Ubuntu is really easy. First, you must of course you get a current version of Ubuntu Linux. This can be either free in order on a CD, or your you load the latest version just under guide (about 700 MB). After the download you must burn the ISO file to a CD. Have you done this, you can get started with the installation, but you should note the following:

  • Ubuntu can be installed easily on Windows. It is however recommended to back up all data before, because when you install bit of what can go wrong. For me, however, everything worked out fine.
  • You should do the installation with an existing Internet connection, as the latest updates can then be downloaded directly. In addition, you must, under the main installation to make a few extra installations, the software packages must be downloaded
After you have inserted the CD and boot your PC from the CD, the system will initially run directly from the CD as a live version. You can apply only Ubuntu look at once at rest, all features are available only after the complete installation. You can now start the installation directly from your desktop live version.

step 1 of the installation: you choose the language
Step 2: Select the time zone
Step 3: keyboard setting - there are world wide keyboard, you must select your keyboard. The right would be "Germany Eliminated dead keys"
Step 4: selecting the partition to be installed on Ubuntu.
Here you can choose to free unpartitioned space to be used, or if your an existing partition shares. Meisst share man has no free memory left and need the partition. It is recommended here is to not split the partition installed on Windows, but on a different partition. You can now set with a slider the partition size.
Then comes the "Prepare partitions" man in the menu.
IMPORTANT : For the partition to be installed on Ubuntu, has a mount point / (meaning "root") can be selected, otherwise complained the installer, that no root partition set was. To do this click first on the partition will be installed on Ubuntu, then "Edit partition" elect and then as "Mount Point" .
Step 5: Make user data - here you can take your user data from other Linux installations. Here I do not however discuss it in detail, as in the admin.php no previous Linux installation is finished.
Step 6: Create user data
Step 7: Check and selection, here again you get a summary of the previously entered setting you can check and if necessary, can change that by "back" is about. In
Clicking "Install" guide you through the installation. Then a restart is required, where you have to remove the CD.

The installation is really very easy. Try it, it will be worth it! More support on Ubuntu installation you find here

In the next blog you find out what you have to install additional packages to make your Ubuntu to Vista full-fledged replacement.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Does Canned Chicken Stock Expire

that Vista Alternative

Ubuntu Linux - the free alternative to Vista

Ubuntu is a free Linux distribution that Windows Vista or XP in no way inferior. Linux has always have a reputation for being complicated and a poor operating system drivers to be. This reputation has Linux wrong. Linux is neither complicated nor driver arm. From the driver diversity Vista users even dream of. I have Ubuntu installed on my computer and all devices recognized the system immediately. Those who have a slow machine, or just fed up with Windows and has its quirks, Ubuntu Linux should try. Ubuntu Linux would be special for Windo
wsumsteiger very simple and there is the Ubuntu community to show much support as I have in this blog. But now times slowly and from the ground up.

Who and what is Ubuntu?

Mark Shuttleworth, founder of Canonical Limited is the sponsor of the Ubuntu project. We will call him in the place once the Bill Gates of Linux, if probably he might have something about it. Since 2004, Shuttleworth has now invested his money in a team of developers to Ubuntu to make better and more socially acceptable. A true hero for Linux fans, considering that Linux is a free software.

Well, what really is Ubuntu? Ubuntu is an African term meaning "humanity to others". The Ubuntu principles are simple: free software for all and spread in all continents.

Well, sure yourselves of Ubuntu Linux. Right you will find links to movies and Ubuntu, where you can download the operating system. More posts in which I'll explain how I came to Ubuntu and how my installation is running, and follow the continued development of Ubuntu on my machine.

Ubuntu - Linux for Human