Friday, October 22, 2010

How Long For Pinky Fracture To Heal

Senate of Berlin, supports end of pipe technologies!

Sometimes the hostility of the Senate Departments innovation comes in this strange city by press articles, as in the TAZ see above, to light. The star and circle GmbH as a subsidiary company - the one with several hundred million from the federal government issued economic stimulus program saved Hegeman group, not a bit ashamed, poor by the Berlin Senate Administration to accept hundreds of thousands of € for soot filters. Sometimes it is innovative for a company managing an inflexible exchange. The economic Senator Mr. Wolff would like to use the Technology Foundation Berlin and the somewhat backward-facing Berlin Partner, make Berlin a center for electric vehicles, ( / 1020/tagesthema/0025/index.html). And he has appeared in a study commissioned McKinsey. The ladies and gentlemen have forgotten, but smooth, it is also great mobility on the Spree and Havel. The subject of solar-electric boat ride, or hybrid approaches nil. Although in this city one of the most innovative companies in the shipping industry of tomorrow is at home. Since Bolle says something right to a green economy senator, even though his favorite is, unfortunately, Senator environment in Bremen. He will then cut the end of 2011 all the projects of the unambitious Red Red Senate in the bin. Hopefully together Brasig Technology Foundation and all partners against a Sustainable Berlin.


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