could Following assessment of traffic experts, even with rising passenger numbers, the way traffic on a sustainable basis when the workload of the ships would be improved. These go far understaffed in many cases. An intelligent management and use of small passenger vessels, which can be used flexibly depending on demand, would then provide a decrease of exposure to noise and exhaust fumes for residents. The change can be gradual and will be used successively to get started with an emission-free passenger shipping. At the same time by smaller vessels would also be more jobs in the passenger shipping Incurred could increase the diversity of suppliers and shipping companies would accordingly make zielgruppenspezifischere offers. Not least would be more compatible with smaller vessels and leisure facilities and a greening of the channel.
passenger management and access other providers, however, require a review of ownership in relation to the Anlegstellen. As long docks along the canal are a few privately owned shipping companies, the economic incentive for this positive scenario is in fact low. A separation of ownership of docks and ships and transport services would therefore be useful. For the management of moorings should be a kind of public or social economy organized "Agency" be established.
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