Saturday, July 11, 2009

Seven Sea Creamy Italian

For a sustainable restructuring plan

The paddle parade demonstrated the Coalition for Action "Landwehrkanal for all!" Saturday expressly against the Water and Shipping Authority pursued and as the success of the " mediation forum future Landwehrkanal" illustrated plan, only landscape nursing accompanied maintenance measures carried out on parts of the channel. This entertainment measures would create a permanent restoration. They would present the dominance of fossil Passenger ships and protection of historic buildings and cement prevent any further rehabilitation planning.

The alliance calls instead for the development of a holistic urban rehabilitation concept ( Master Plan ) for the channel, which includes the following aspects:

- priority for zero emission Transportation to and along the canal
- improvement of amenity values and recreational opportunities
- improve the ecological function as habitat network
- cross-free pedestrian and cycle paths on both channel sides
- measures to improvement water quality
- accessible accessibility for disabled

We urge the State of Berlin in cooperation with the Water and Maritime Administration the development of a initiate urban approach to the canal, which meets these requirements.

awaiting the launching of the procedure should provisional safeguards be carried out so that nature and recreation affected as little as possible be. In the prep areas are dynamic emission measurements are made.
The Evening News reported on the evening and on the homepage of the transmitter erroneously that organized the parade paddle against a concept-free reorganization of the Landwehr canal from the "Association of trees on the Landwehr canal.

is true that the paddle parade like last year, the result of an initiative by the Coalition for Action "Landwehrkanal for all!" was. The initiators had

leave the mediation forum last summer in protest, especially after the shipping companies Riedel and star and circle a unanimous decision to demand a holistic rehabilitation concept ( Master Plan ) with broad citizen participation blocked and rejected the Water and Shipping Authority even the financing a preliminary study Master Plan . The Action Alliance "Landwehrkanal for All cooperating since then with the citizens initiatives against the expansion of motorway A 100 and change in Spree planning

Thank Vio mothers for the graphics, all that distribute the postcards and helped of posters, all female paddlers and paddlers for their participation and small chapel and Rob Longstaff for their musical support. Extra thanks to Christian Ströbele for tireless swing flag.

also thanks the following organizations and companies:

trees along the Landwehr Canal Association
cottage garden
Solar Polis


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