Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Funny Response Cards Examples

iPod Manager Update - Freeware CopyTrans Manager Version 0893

As a reminder, the last update was added to the free iTunes alternative, the possibility of the Multi Edit days. So you can now edit multiple iPod tracks (songs, podcasts, ...) at once.

With the latest update of CopyTrans Manager other practical functions were integrated. Now you can on the iPod - without iTunes - also lyrics add and edit or merge compilations * .

What to Lyrics (lyrics) on the iPhone or iPod to add?
After loading the program CopyTrans page you extrahierst just the exe and ris file from the zip folder (it is also a installation wizard ). Start the program by clicking on the icon and copy trans connect your iPod / iPhone to your PC.

load Now all the iPod / iPhone existing songs, videos and more. Choose the song where you add the lyrics on the iPod like. There are pretty much free any lyrics online. Copy and paste the lyrics, open the TagEditor in CopyTrans Manager and go to the tab "lyric". There, now you add the text again, click Save and done!

be Clearly the lyrics will also appear on the iPhone and the fun factor increases significantly so:)

* compilations are the titles include albums by several artists. Until now, these are often not correctly identified and thus as individual albums (by artist) are shown. As of now, they will not support and will appear as a single album on the iPhone or iPod Touch.

Friday, March 5, 2010

How Long For A Dog To Get Frostbite?

The iTunes alternative software on McLeo . ch

If a well structured and clear review on free iTunes alternative CopyTrans Manager searches should take a look at .

general, a readable Page, for all those who on technology issues and trends, focusing on Apple, Windows & Ubuntu would like to stay informed.

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