Sunday, September 28, 2008

All Denise Milani Nip Slips


have now been set our dates for the Google-training.

And while they are held on Thursdays from 16:30 to 18:00 in the computer room of the Elementary and Middle Schools Geradstetten, namely on

23.10. / 30.10. / 6.11. and 13.11.

Registrations are now accepted by

horst.hering @

I look forward to your participation.

Friday, September 19, 2008

How To Dress For Disney World In January

game: FreeCiv - explore and conquer

explore continents, build cities, farm fields, and exploring technologies to wage war. After that summary, you immediately think of civilization. However, it goes in this article to FreeCiv, a multiplayer strategy game, released under the GNU General Public License and compared several times with civilization II ®.


FreeCiv are found in the repositories, it is easy to install via the package manager. The following packages must be installed: freeciv-client-gtk, freeciv-data freeciv-sound-standard freeciv-server. is

on the project site, but pointed out that under the above available in the suite version also could be out of date. The latest version can relate to the project site. After installation, start using Freeciv-> Games. Start

The game

FreeCiv one starts, you have three game modes available:

New The beginning: can start in this mode, an endless game.

First choose the number of opponents, and their thickness. As a beginner you should not adjust the strength of the opponent is too high, because the opponent is otherwise often runs on very quickly. If one is found inside the game and has already achieved first victories, can the strength of the opponents are still high share.

"Under other game options " can go on additional settings on the geology, social, economic, military, science, games and network.

Under "select nation," the nation can choose to play the man. It is just as difficult of choice for the nation groups are diversified. You can choose in addition to American, European and Asian nations, many fictional nations such as the so-called Fantasy Nations, . If you have decided which nation you want to play, you can start the game.

start playing scenario: In this mode, you can already pre-games in which preset maps, number of enemies and nations are to play. It has indeed the same as setting options in the mode "New game start" , but the default scenarios well and you really only need the nation to play so far we do not want the default, select the game and off you go.

Connect Network game: In this mode you can play online as well as for their networks against human opponents. When you open this mode, there is the opportunity to start on a local network or on a web metaserver a game or to join. For this mode, the installation of the package "freeciv-server" is required. In this multiplayer mode can be up to 30 players simultaneously fight for supremacy.

the full article you can read in the Yalm issue 09/2008, for which I have written this article.
free To read this edition, go easy on and download.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Birth Control Crushed Shampoo

training course announcement

The summer break is over our computer courses, time again to think about what could it (if a browser and Internet skills) Advanced be interesting. In these considerations, one comes to "Google" indispensable. You probably know Google as a search engine that allows you to surf the web. But Google not only offers the service, there are many applications that are worth a closer look to be. PICASA as image management system (also Google), I had presented before about half a year already, now I intend to four appointments are 2 - to 4 other Internet applications bring Google closer. What applications are and how far we get depends on your interests and pace. I imagine the following applications from which we bez in the first lesson a priority list. the processing form. The dates to be announced.

Google Earth : Plan a program that lets you fly around the world, look at your destinations, routes, and more

Google Maps: You will find shops, restaurants, businesses can plan routes and print

Google Toolbar : easier to search the web translated English. Web pages (more or less), corrected spelling mistakes ....

Youtube Videos on the Internet Watch

Blogger: Create your blog

Google Calendar: Time Management in the Internet, on any PC with Internet access available ...

iGoogle : create your personal home page that you can get anywhere

Google Docs: Create quick edit and upload, import your documents, spreadsheets and presentations or create new